Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chapter 5 Blog Post

Chapter Five of Tapscott's book shows how we are learners because we are constantly exposed to different types of technological literature. "Instead of lecturing, teachers should interact with students and help them discover for themselves." I think that this is important because student's should learn to be independent and discover their own paths. Now that we have all these options to learn in a different way, the teachers should be using new methods involving technology to keep up with our way of learning. Since our world is every changing, our subjects need to adjust and change according to the skills we need to learn. This could be because many of our teachers are an older generation and think that the old methods are better, but in our generation we use technology more to learn. "Schools should be places to learn, not to teach." is also a important quote because it shows that we should be learning new things not teaching old things to people who don't know how to do them. A students job is to learn, and because of technology, we know more then ever and still need teachers to keep on teaching new things that cannot be learned behind a computer screen. I think Tapscott made some very good points in chapter five.

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